Felt hold up to wind and rain?

A tarp over paper if rain is likely will also help prevent wrinkling of the felt. When ice and water shield has been wet for a while and dries it can become very slippery. Strangly enough when the sun is on it it no longer is slippery. Still haven’t figured that one out.

Here in Western Oregon, it rains at least 9 months a year, and we get high winds. We are an hour from the Pacific ocean, and we constantly experience severe and ever-changing weather.

As a professional contractor with a good reputation in my area, I can tell you that your roofer is practicing a technique very common in the roofing industry.

Its common for us to tear-off a roof and felt it in one day. As long as the felt is properly installed, it should be just fine, despite unfavorable weather conditions. We also use felt caps versus staples or nails, because felt caps have a broader top and hold the felt down better.

In addition, if the contractor performs any work that does cause damage, you should have a warranty offered to you to cover workmanship from the moment he starts the job. If you as the homeowner did your homework and chose a good quality roofer, then I would suggest you rest easy and let him do the job you hired him for. Best of luck.

ditto Sanya. we have pretty lousy weather here also and many of our roofs are right on the Atlantic Ocean. we will often rip a large area and felt it. No problem.But if I used subs or immigrants then I would have to worry.

hey jim,
doin allright.
got some shingle work,
through anderson shaw.
couple schools.
20 a sq.
so im payin rent.
cant complain.
staring to get some afternoon showers,
so hopefully that will help.

eya later.
